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Gibraltar Defence Police Chief of Police Commendation

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Police Constable (PC) Christopher Gomez was recently presented with a Chief of Police's Commendation at Gibraltar Defence Police (GDP) Headquarters .


Images show PC Gomez of GDP receiving a commendation from GCP Chief of Police Rob Allen.

On the 5 September 2023, PC Gomez was on duty at the Airfield when he heard a radio transmission to the effect that an off-duty Royal Gibraltar Police officer was struggling with offenders on Western Beach.

PC Gomez immediately responded, on foot, to provide assistance and in doing so, prevented further injury and assault and enabled the lawful detention of the offenders.

Commending PC Gomez for his actions, GDP’s Chief of Police Rob Allen said: “On hearing that an RGP colleague was struggling with offenders at the beach, PC Gomez did not hesitate and ran from the Airfield to assist his colleague.

His arrival at the scene and assistance helped to bring the situation under control and allowed the lawful detention of the offenders.

His actions are a further example of the close working relationship that exists between officers of the two forces. Whilst Gibraltar remains a generally safe place, it is essential that colleagues across law enforcement look out for one another in such circumstances. Well done PC Gomez.”

Images show PC Gomez of GDP receiving a commendation from GCP Chief of Police Rob Allen.

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