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Leading on Cyber

We’re developing a coherent Cyber and Electromagnetic Domain for Defence, championing recruitment, training, and retention.

As an organisation we must adapt and evolve, exploiting digital technologies to best effect in both our business and battlespace.

Defence must fully realise the opportunities of the cyber and electromagnetic domain if we are to protect, engage, constrain and fight our adversaries.


Defence Cyber Academy

Training high-quality Defence personnel at the forefront of cyber technology, strategy and operations​.

Demonstrating specialist skills and tools and using a cyber board game to illustrate how wargaming can be used as part of cyber operations awareness education.


Secure by Design

Helping to improve cyber security within the MOD. 

Secure by Design is changing the MOD’s approach to cyber security with a shift to continual risk management. This is mandated for all new delivery programmes with a planned three-year transition for existing and legacy projects. This means that early cyber risk identification and resilience will be built-in from the outset, increasing speed and efficiency of delivering systems that are secure and modernising how assurance is delivered.

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Defence Cyber Reserves

Provide integrated specialist reservist support to enhance Defence Cyber Capability.​

Meet representatives from the volunteer force of high end cyber specialists that serve in one of 5 units providing Defensive Cyber, Offensive Cyber and Information Assurance support to Defence.


Digital Skills for Defence

Showcasing the DS4D Programme.


Defence AI Centre

Accelerating MOD's ability to harness AI​

The DAIC is the catalyst to cohere AI across Defence, working to champion, enable and innovate to ensure strategic advantage and scalability for our Armed Forces. The DAIC is developing an AI Ecosystem by working with industry, academia, government and our allies. Our goal is to make sure we can move beyond the “Valley of Death” to bring AI out of the labs and into the hands of the end users by addressing the barriers.


Defence Digital Operations and DEMA

Defending through cyberspace and enabling access to the electromagnetic spectrum​.

Within a dynamically evolving cyber threat environment unparalleled in human history, Defence Digital is in constant complex competition to operate and defend networks and services​.

Demonstrating the importance of agile spectrum management and automation to multi-domain operations, as well as managing the impact of electromagnetic effects to our equipment, people, assets, and information.



Responsible Cyber Power in Practice​

Established in 2020, the National Cyber Force (NCF) is a partnership between Defence and Intelligence which carries out cyber operations daily to protect the UK and its allies from harm.

NCF’s recent publication, Responsible Cyber Power in Practice outlines the NCF’s developed thinking on delivering cyber operations, whether they be in support of foreign and national security policy, military operations, or the prevention of serious crime.